Lessons From My Body


Since my 20’s I have been interested in connecting to a deeper part of myself. I have attended dozens of seminars and read dozens of books on self-transformation and cultivating a spiritual practice. The Bodhi Tree Bookstore, on Melrose, was my second home for most of my 20’s and 30’s.

What the last eight years has taught me is that I need look no further than my own body for the connection I am seeking. All the books and mental reflection are great, but there is something beyond the mind that only the body can teach us. Every transformation I have achieved has been as a result of my body sending me messages that something about what I am currently doing is not right for me.
What becomes possible when you slow down, listen, and engage with the messages the body is sending?

  • I learned, thru all my digestive trouble last Fall, that eating cheese does not make my digestive system happy; I quit eating it!
  • I learned that focusing on range of motion in my joints and functional movement keeps my body stable and happy, rather than focusing on traditional strength exercises.
  • I learned to SLOW down when I move.
  • I learned to SLOW down when choosing foods, instead of going for the habitual, quick foods.
  • I learned, thru my Melt training, that I have WAY MORE control over my wellness than I used to think.
  • I learned, thru my recent bout of plantar fasciitis, to respond immediately to the messages of my body for a quick recovery, rather than thinking it will go away on its own.
  • I learned to surround myself with wise, talented, body practitioners and call on them when I’m in need.
  • I learned that spending time attending to my body’s messages results in having more energy/time for the things and people I love.

My experience as a body-conscious person has shown me that when we slow down, listen to and heed the messages of our body we thrive with ease and grace, not just survive our daily responsibilities and commitments. I believe in radical self-care for achieving optimal/sustainable health and I believe it begins with the decision to allow the body to direct our daily practices.